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10 Tips to Actually Become a Better Traveler

There’s a significant difference between “tips to travel better” and “tips to become a better traveler.” Carrying extra scanned copies of your passport, stashing emergency cash, and packing light all falls within the former. Practicing these tips are important to help you travel better, but it doesn’t actually help you in becoming a better traveler. 

What does it mean to “become a better traveler?” It means changing your mindset, your set of attitudes, to promote growth and eventually changing the course of your life. Carrying an extra copy of your passport may help you in a one off event, but it’s your mind that follows you everywhere you go. 

Have you ever talked to someone who said they didn’t enjoy going to a particular place only to find out they only went to busy tourist attractions, ate the same food they eat back home, and didn’t care to try new things? If so, please send them the link to my blog ASAP so we can help their poor souls!

With the proper mindset, you’ll find new pathways leading you to places you never knew existed, foods you’ve never tasted, and friendships that would never have been created. It will also help you stay out of trouble or problem solve your way through unforeseen circumstances.

People naturally develop into better travelers overtime through experience and knowledge. To help speed up the process, I’ve listed below my best tips to help you become a better traveler.


Don’t judge other people’s beliefs or lifestyles because it’s different from your own. Don’t be arrogant and be respectful. You don’t always have to agree, but be willing to put yourself in their shoes, ask questions, and at least give it a try. What you find may completely change your perspective on things. 


People say, “life begins outside your comfort zone.” Don’t let fear and anxiety prevent you from seizing opportunities for growth. Some of the most amazing experiences happen when you’re uncomfortable. You truly start learning more about yourself and become wiser as you learn to appreciate being in different environments.

Want to make new friends but afraid to start conversations? Start by simply saying “hello” to everyone. You may end up gaining a travel buddy and lifelong friend.

Disgusted by weird food? Eat the weirdest thing and keep raising the bar. You can’t know you don’t like it unless you try it. Plus, training your palate will completely turn your world 180 degrees!

Expanding your comfort zone will lead you to seek out bigger challenges. Taking the first step out of your safe area will eventually become easier.


Accept the fact that not everything will happen perfectly. In today’s world, we have been poisoned more than ever with the desire for instant gratification. We have the ability to access information within seconds, hop onto a plane to fly across the world, and receive instant recognition from social media platforms in the form of “likes.” Our generation have lost the ability to exercise self-control when things don’t go our way. Great things take time and nurturing your frustrations will only make matters worse, for yourself and for everyone around you. Mishaps are part of exploring or else we wouldn’t be discovering anything new. Slow down, “it’s all about the journey, not the destination.” 


Don’t let pessimism stun you. There will be people who will doubt you and tell you, you can’t. You might get lost, run into bad luck, or blow your budget during your travels. Learning something new, like surfing, will seem next to impossible. 

Never starting, feeling sorry for yourself, complaining, or giving up will change absolutely nothing! Focus on the positives and stay persistent. Think back to, “patience is a virtue (step 3).” 

You’ll eventually meet the right people during your journey to cheer you on. You can learn a lot from other travelers on the road. They’ve either been there, done that, or have similar goals. In other words, they understand you.

When things go astray, there’s always another way or better solution. Stick to your plans but be flexible. Instead of asking, “why did this happen to me?,” ask yourself “what can I learn from this?” Be grateful to even be traveling. 

Practice makes perfect. No great success comes before failure. If you keep falling while trying to surf, think to yourself, at least you’re at the beach instead of at the office!


Nobody is perfect. Be self-aware and realize were all just human. To be able to laugh at yourself is a high level of self-acceptance. Once you’re able to achieve this, you’ll be able to constantly better yourself, find peace, remain positive, and enjoy life more. People love a good laugh and find humor very attractive.


Mindfulness means being able to focus your attention on the present moment, being aware of where you are, what you’re doing, and what’s going on around you. Make your travel adventures more enjoyable by savoring every moment, seek out the small details in things, and make a meaningful connection. Traveling mindfully also includes minimizing your impact as a traveler. Try to do little harm to our environment so others can also enjoy the same experience. Mindfulness can vary from practicing ecotourism, eliminating waste, and not supporting inhumane entertainment, to not obstructing views from others around you and blocking people’s path on the elevator (stand on the right, walk on the left). 


The media exaggerates how dangerous the world is. Good and bad people exists everywhere, even in your own backyard. Use common sense and avoid sketchy situations. As long as you’re respectful, most people are friendly and willing to help you out.


Do not care about what people think or how bad you’d look if you fail. Do things with a purpose that’s much greater than yourself. Solo travel, cliff dive, swim with sharks. Push the limits of your body, mind, and soul. Be willing and be adventurous!


Exercise and train your body well so you can reach further places. But don’t ignore body signals and risk illness or injuries that can end your travels. Get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, and stay healthy.


There’s an infinite things to see, do, and learn. It’s impossible to check everything off the list in one’s lifetime. Never lose your love of traveling, no matter how good or experienced you are. There’s always something new happening out there and there’s always room for improvement. Live life to the fullest and expect nothing in return!

Max the Explorer

Max is a former business man who quit his 9-5 corporate job to pursue a full time passion as a travel blogger. He creates contents in hopes to inspire others to travel more often through writing, photography, and videos.

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